Conservation Corps
Building America since 1933 .....
Corps Reference - Reports

2012 - Conservation Corps Project Analysis 
             by the National Park Service (NPS) Park Facility Maintenance Division (PFMD) – Fall 2012    

2001 - Combining Volunteerism and Paid Service: A Look at  Roles and Relationships
           Public/Private Ventures - June 2001​.   

1997 - Youth Corps:Promising Strategies for Young People and Their Communities - Abt Associates Inc. (No. 1-97)
           by JoAnn Jastrzab, John Blomquist, Julie Masker and Larry Orr - February 1997.

1996 - Americorps in the Field: Implementation of the National and Community Service Trust Act in Nine Study States
           by Thomas J. Smith, Linda Z. Jucovy with R. Baker, K. Furano & E. Tomlinson.- Public/Private Ventures - Fall 1996.  ​

1996 - AmeriCorps*State/National Accomplisment Summary - Aguirre International - San Mateo, CA.
           Summary of 381 AmeriCorps*State/National Programs - AmeriCorps*NCCC and AmeriCorps*Vista not included.   

1995 - Corps Work: Building the Future in More Ways Than One 
           National Association of Service and Conservation Corps NASCC  - May 1995.  

1995 - Evaluation of Youth in Action's AmeriCorps Program by Joanne H. Stucjus 
           Norther Arizona University Institute for Furture Workforce Development - August 1995.  

1995 - The Civilian Conservation Corps in Southeast Arizona: An Overview of Fifteen Soil Conservation and 
           Department of Grazing Camps in Graham and Greenlee Counties, Southeast Arizona by Gregory R. Seymour
           SWCA Archaeology Report - January 13, 1995.  (No 95-13)    

1993 - Keeping the Boys Busy: Archaeological and Documentry Investigations of AR-03-12-06-1391, a Civilian 
           Conservation Corps Erosion Control Site in Tonto Basin, Gila County, Arizona, With a Brief Account of CCC 
           Activities on Tonto National Forest Lands and a Suggested Historic Context and Research Issues for CCC 
           Erosion Control Sites on the Tonto National Forest  by Thomas E. Wright 
           Archaeological Research Services, Tempe, AZ - (no 93:81)  

1992 - Job Corps In Brief: Program Year 1991, July 1, 91 - June 30, 92. - USDOL-ETA-JC (SN 96105) (27 pages)  

1991 - WCC Alumni Survey Results - On Corps, WI CC Newsletter - May 1991.     View

1991 - Wisconsin Conservation Corps 1989-1991 Biennial Report - October 1991.  

1989 - American Youth: A Statistical Snapshot by James R. Wetzel - August 1989.
           The William T. Grant Foundation Commission on Work, Family and Citizenship.

1988 - The New Deal At Walnut Canyon: An Oral History of the Civilian Conservation Corps by Pat H. Stein  (AZ Sep 1985)

1988 - Backcountry Trails Project, 10 Years, 1979-1988: 1988 Summary Report - California Conservation Corps.

1987 - Wisconsin Conservation Corps 1985-1987 Biennial Report - October 1987. 

1987 - Preparing to Leave the Corps: A Survey of Programs and Their Needs by Elizabeth G. Halas 
           A Report to the Human Environment Center - October 15, 1987.

​1981 - Report on a Pilot Study of the Perceived Long-Term Benefits of the Youth Conservation Corps by
           Lynn A. Johnson and B.L. Driver. Unpublished Office Report, Rocky Mt. Forest and Range Experiment Station,
           Fort Collins, CO.

1981 - Literature Review of Evaluations of the Benefits of Summer Youth and Outdoor Survival Programs by 
           Lynn A. Johnson and B.L. Driver . Unpublished Office Report, Rocky Mt. Forest and Range Experiment Station,
           Fort Collins, CO.

1979 - Interrelationships Between Responses to End-of-Camp Questionaire, Environmental Awareness Gain
           Scores, and Camp Characteristics in Federally Operated YCC Camps During 1976 and 1977 by Donald
           Rosenthal and B.L. Driver. Unpublished Office Report, Rocky Mt. Forest and Range Experiment Station,  
           Fort Collins, CO. 

1978 - Opinions of 1977 YCC Staff Members about the Environmental Goals and Objectives of the YCC Program, 
           and the Loing-Term Benefits of Participating in that Program by Donald Rosenthal and B.L. Driver.
           Unpublished Office Report, Rocky Mt. Forest and Range Experiment Station, Fort Collins, CO.     

1978 - Grey Towers YACC Program Work Accomplishment Review The Legacy, Pinchot Institute - Nov 1978.   View

1974 -  An Evaluation of the 1973 Youth Conservation Corps by Jerome Johnson, David Lingwood, William Morris 
            and Robert Marans. Institute for Social Research, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI.​​

1973 -  Toward Environmental Understanding: An Evaluation of the 1972 Youth Conservation Corps by 
            John C. Scott, B.L. Driver and Robert W. Marans. Institute for Social Research, The University of Michigan,      
            Ann Arbor, MI.​

1942 - Federal Security Agency Final Report of the Director of the Cicilian Conservation Corps, April, 1933 
           through June 30, 1942  by J.J. McEntee.  (112 pages) 
                           Cover, Staff Listing, Contents  (3 pages)       View
                           Part 1a - The CCC Program (pages 1-20)      View
                           Part 1b - The CCC Program (pages 21-40)     View  
                           Part 2 - What the CCC Did for Conservation (pages 41-48)   View
                           Part 3 - What the CCC did for Youth (pages 49-65)    View 
                           Part 4 - What the CCC Taught (pages 66-88)      View
                           Part 5 - Looking Ahead (pages 89-103)     View
                           Part 6 - CCC Program Pertinent Statistics     View

1942 - Youth and the Future: The General Report of The American Youth Commission by The American
           Youth Commission. (296 pages) 

1942 - CCC - Annual Report (Fiscal year ending June 30, 1942) by J.J. McEntee, Director.  (Mimeographed)

1941 - CCC - Annual Report (Fiscal year ending June 30, 1941) by J.J. McEntee, Director.  

1940 - Time On Their Hands: A Report on Leisure, Recreation, and Young People by C. Gilbert Wrenn and
           D.L. Hartley. Prepared for The American Youth Commission (266 pages)

 1940 - CCC - Annual Report (Fiscal year ending June 30, 1940) by J.J. McEntee, Director.   

1939 - CCC - Annual Report (Fiscal year ending June 30, 1939) by Robert Fechner, Director, CCC.  

1939 - Report of the Chief of the Soil Conservation Service, 1939 by H.H. Bennett, Chief - June 30, 1939. 

1939 - The Fortune Survey (Including "Would You Favor Giving Military Training to the CCC Boys?) 
           Fortune Magazine - December 1939.  (pg 78)   

1938 - CCC - Annual Report  (Fiscal year ending June 30, 1938) by Robert Fechner, Director, CCC. 

1938 - Report of the Chief of the Soil Conservation Service, 1938 by H.H. Bennett, Chief - June 30, 1938.

1938 - CCC: Account of the Origin, Growth and Work of the CCC by James F. Kieley 
1937 - CCC - Annual Report  (Fiscal year ending June 30, 1937) by Robert Fechner, Director, ECW.
1937 - Report of the Chief of the Soil Conservation Service, 1937 by H.H. Bennett, Chief - June 30, 1937.

​1937 - CCC - Fourth Anniversary Report  (April 5, 1937) by Robert Fechner, Director, ECW.
1936 - CCC - Annual Report  (Fiscal year ending June 30, 1936) by Robert Fechner, Director, ECW.

1936 - Report of the Chief of the Soil Conservation Service, 1936 by H.H. Bennett, Chief - June 30, 1936.

1935 - Health of the CCC for the Six Month Period From October, 1934 to March, 1935 
           War Department, Office of the Surgeon General - June 14, 1937 

1935 - Report on Operations of the CCC  (Two year period, April 1933 - March 31, 1935) by Robert Fechner, Director.

​1934 - CCC - Third Report  (April 1, 1934 - September 30, 1934) by Robert Fechner, Director, ECW.

1933 - CCC - Second Report  (October 1, 1933 - March 31, 1934 by Robert Fechner, Director, ECW. 

1933 - CCC - First Report  (April 5, 1933 - September 30, 1933) by Robert Fechner, Director, ECW. 

​1933 - CCC - Preliminary Report of the Director, Emergency Conservation Work (ECW) to the President 
           (April 1933 - June 30, 1933) by Robert Fechner, Director, ECW.  

More to come .... under construction ...........

Civilian Conservation Corps 1934
Young Adult Conservation Corps 1979
Coconino Rural Environment Corps 2004