1935 - ECW Report for Eighteen Months - Forestry News Digest - January 1935. (pg 3)
1935 - Employment Among Former Members - Monthly Labor Review - January 1935.
1935 - Secretaray of Labor's Recommendations on the Problem of Unemployed Youth - Monthly Labor Review - Jan 1935.
1935 - Academic Freedom in th CCC - School Review - January 1935.
1935 - CCC Adds Millions to Forest Wealth of United States - Forestry News Digest - January 1935. (pg 1-2)
1935 - 125 at CCC Camp Rebel at Curfew - The New York Times - January 9, 1935 (CO 1281, West Orange, NJ)
1935 - 27 More Men Dropped In Strike - The New York Times - January 10, 1935. (CO 1281, West Orange, NJ)
1935 - The Forest Corps (Verse) by John Urbanek - American Forests - January 1935.
1935 - Our Peacetime Army by H.S. Curtis - School And Society - February 2, 1935.
1935 - Educational Program of the CCC Camps by C.H. Judd - Journal Of The National Educational Association - Feb 1935.
1935 - Emergency Conservation Work in the National Paks by John D. Coffman - Parks-Recreation - February 1935.
1935 - Meeting at New York University of Officers of the CCC - School And Society - February 2, 1935.
1935 - Camps or Streets by W.H. Smith - School And Society - February 9, 1935.
1935 - CCC Workers Prove Value of New Pneumonia Vaccine - Science News Letter - February 23, 1935.
1935 - Quality in the Reserve Corps by R.C. Kennedy - Christian Century - February 27, 1935. (52:272-4)
1935 - Work of the CCC by Robert Fechner, Director CCC - Commonwealth - March 1935.
1935 - Sap Among the Dingbats by Harold Griffin - Scribner's - March 1935.
1935 - Concerning Human Progress - Survey - March 1935.
1935 - The Educational Process in the CCC by J.B. Griffing - Sociology And Social Research - March-April 1935.
1935 - The Corps on Review by Robert Fechner, Director CCC - American Forests - April 1935.
1935 - Shovels and Guns by James Laswell - Social Work Today - April 1935.
1935 - Does Youth Want to Learn? by Frank E.Hill - Journal of Adult Education - April 1935.
1935 - What's to Become of the CCC by C.A. Edson - Forum - April 1935. (93:245-7)
1935 - Unemployment and the CCC by Floyd Anderson - America - March 16, 1935. (pg 538)
1935 - Work Relief Spending Plans - News Week - April 20, 1935.
1935 - Salvaging Youth in Distress by Frank E. Hill - The New York Times, Magazine Section - April 21, 1935. (pgs 12-13)
1935 - No Militarism in the CCC by C.W. Kirkpatrick - Christian Century - April 24, 1935. (52:549)
1935 - CCC and Other Federal Aid Projects by Ernest K. Lindley - School And Society - April 27, 1935.
1935 - Life in the CCC by T. Flynn - America - April 27, 1935. (pg 54)
1935 - Soil Erosion Control Work by the CCC by H.J. Stockwell - Agricultural Engineering - May 1935.
1935 - Coon Valley: an Adventure in Cooperative Conservation by Aldo Leopold - American Forests - May 1935.
1935 - The CCC and Forestry by John D. Guthrie - Annual Cruise (Oregon State College) - May 1935.
1935 - ECW Under Relamation Bureau - Reclamation ERA - May 1935.
1935 - Selection of Men for the CCC - Monthly Labor Review - May 1935.
1935 - Education for Patriotism by H.G. Leach - Forum - May 1935. (93:257-8)
1935 - CCC in the U.S. - It's Educational Program - International Quarterly Of Adult Education - May 1935.
1935 - CCC Also Spends: Expansion of Conservation Camps - Business Week - May 4, 1935.
1935 - Badger Camps to be Doubled - The Ironwood Daily Globe, Ironwood, MI - May 05, 1935. View
1935 - Quarters to House 200 Men: Old King Ranch Scene of Permanent Camp
The Mesa Tribune, Mesa, AZ - May 13, 1935.
1935 - Roosevelt's Tree Army, I by Jonathan Mitchell - New Republic - May 29, 1935.
1935 - Roosevelt's Tree Army, II by Jonathan Mitchell - New Republic - June 12, 1935.
1935 - Forest Camps of America by Richard B. Baker - Contemporary Review - June 1935. (147:715-20)
1935 - CCC Benefits Youth and Economic Life of Nation by Guy D. McKinney - Democratic Digest - June 1935.
1935 - Komsomol For America - Saturday Review Of Literature - June 6, 1935.
1935 - Outbreak of Cerebrospinal Meningitis In a CCC Camp by W.C. Fox
Americian Journal of Public Health - July 1935. (25:829-32)
1935 - The CCC by Robert Fechner, Director CCC - Army And Navy Journal - July 1935.
1935 - Two Years of CCC Work - Monthly Labor Review -July 1935.
1935 - The CCC's Contribution to the South by John D. Guthrie - Southern Planter - July 1935.
1935 - Depression Army Takes to the Woods by W.F. Eaton - Bird Lore - July 1935 (37:255-64)
1935 - Fever of the Typhoid Group in Members of the CCC During 1934 by G.F. Lull
American Journal of Public Health - July 1935. (25:839-40)
1935 - Trainload of Material Arrives For CCC Camp - The Mesa Tribune, Mesa, AZ - July 12, 1935.
1935 - Benefits of the CCC - The Mesa Tribune, Mesa, AZ - July 19, 1935. Vew
1935 - Educational Apparatus for CCC Camps - School And Society - July 27, 1935.
1935 - The Army's Greatest Peacetime Achievement (CCC) by Capt. Eoch Graf - Quartermaster Rview - Jul-Aug 1935.
1935 - CCC Spent 1,841,000 Man-Days Fighting Fires - Forestry News Digest - August 1935 (pg 2)
1935 - Some Big CCC Projects - Forestry News Digest - August 1935. (pg 2)
1935 - Emergency Conservation Work Completed April, 1933 - March 31, 1935 - Forestry News Digest - Aug 1935. (pg 3)
1935 - Camp in Tropic Snow. CCC Boys Build a Trail Up to the Most Active Volcano in the World
Forestry News Digest - August 1935. (pg 16)
1935 - Rule of the CCC Bans Young Men on Probation and Parole - Survey - August 1935.
1935 - Half-Slave and Half-Free: Have We Lost a Generation? - Harper's - August 1935.
1935 - To the Rescue in the New York Floods by John W. Maloney - Red Cross Courier - August 1935.
1935 - The Civilian Conservation Corps - American Forests - September 1935.
1935 - Anniversary Edition - The CCC - American Forests - September 1935.
1935 - Appraising the Civilian Conservation Corps - School Review - September 1935.
1935 - Pack Asks Action on CCC Enlistments - Forestry News Digest - September 1935. (pg 1-2)
1935 - CCC Cuts Fire Loss by S.B. Show - Forestry News Digest - September 1935. (pg 14)
1935 - In Spite of Politics by G. Springer - Survey - September 1935.
1935 - Educational Activity in CCC Camps - Industrial Education Magazine - September 1935. (37:6a-7a)
1935 - For Half a Million Young Americans by Howard W. Oxley - School Life - September 1935.
1935 - The Recreation Renaissance by Fanning Hearon - Recreation - September 1935.
1935 - Work and Education in the English CCC by John D. Guthrie - Happy Days - September 28, 1935.
1935 - Some ECW Construction in State Parks. Glimpses of the Program to Develope a System of Numerous Small
Recreation Areas to Supplement Our National Parks - Earth Mover - October 1935. (22:26-28, 39-40)
1935 - State Conservation Program Aided by 21,000 in CCC Camps
The Sheboygan Press, Sheboygan, WI - Oct 03-1935 View
1935 - When Boy's Become Men by Rena Christian - The Christian Science Monitor (Weekly Magazine) - October 9, 1935.
1935 - Take the Military Out of the CCC by Raymond G. Swing - Nation - October 23, 1935.
1935 - Working in the Woods by Arthur Coleman - Holland's Magazine - November 1935.
1935 - Twenty-Five Hundred Antiochs by William D. Boutwell - Junior Red Cross Journal - November 1935.
1935 - Recent Ativities (CCC) - Monthly Labor Review - November 1935.
1935 - The CCC Program - Reserve Officer - November 1935.
1935 - Education Activities in the CCC Camps by Howard W. Oxley - Jr-Sr High School Clearing House Magazine - Nov 1935.
1935 - Lives of Modern CCC Youths a "Snap" Compared With Early Day Lumber Camp: Present Day Government
Camps Equiped With Modern Methods by Elizabeth F. Egeland - The LaCross Tribune & Leader-Press,
LaCross, WI - November 17, 1935. View
1935 - The CCC's Part in Soil Erosion Control by Ewing Jones - Earth Mover - December 1935.
1935 - Illiteracy in the CCC Camps by Howard W. Oxley - School And Society - December 1935.
1935 - Reclamation and Emergency Conservation Work by Alfred R. Glze - Reclamation ERA - December 1935.
1935 - Job Training in the CCC by Howard W. Oxley - School Life - December 1935.