Conservation Corps
Building America since 1933 .....
Conservation Corps in the Media ~ 1934 

1934 - The Patriotism of Peace by Arthur C. Ringland - American Forests - January 1934.

1934 - The Civilian Conservation Corps by V.H. Sonderegger - Louisiana Conservation Review - January 1934.  (4:49-51)  

1934 - Hospitalization of the Civilian Conservation Corps by E. Poyet - American Journal Of Nursing 
           January 1934.  (34:29-30)  

1934 - Auditing the CCC Ledger by C.L. Pack - Review of Reviews - January 1934.  (89:28-9)  

1934 - Bloody Angle Camp by W.J. Greenleaf - School Life - January1934.  (19:94-5)    
1934 - On Being a Go-Between by John D. Guthrie - Forestry News Digest - January 1934.  (From Yale F.S. News)  

1934 - Foresters Ask CCC to be Made Permanent Forestry News Digest - January 1934.   

1934 - 300,000 Foresters Take to Our Wooded Areas: Civilian Conservation Corps by C.H. Vivian  
           Compressed Air - January 1934  (39:4316-4322)   

1934 - Let's Look at the Record by Tom Gill - Forestry News Digest - January 1934. 

1934 - The Civilian Conservation Corps by John D. Guthrie - Military Engineers - Jan-Feb 1934.    

1934 - The American Army Stands Ready by Harry H. Woodring, Asst. Sec. of War 
            Liberty - January 6, 1934.  (pg 7-11) 

1934 - Emergency Conservation Program Science - January 12, 1934.  (79:27)    

1934 - Militaristic CCC World Tomorrow - January 18, 1934.  (17:29-30)  

1934 - Emergency Conservation Work During 1933 Library Journal - February 1, 1934.  (59:120-1)   

1934 - Connecticut Improves Her Trout Streams by Mary Pasco - American Forests - February 1934. 

1934 - Education for 300,000 School Life - February 1934.  

1934 - Blister Busters by by C.L. Pack - Scientific American - February 1934.  (150:61-3)  

1934 - Tough Babes in the Woods by Sherwood Anderson - Today - February 10, 1934.   

1934 - Out of the Woods: Program of Industrial Reforestation by Wilson Compton 
           Forum - Feburary 1934.  (91:118-121)   

1934 - A Year of CCC Work by Robert Fechner, Director, CCC - Jeffersonian - February 1934.  

1934 - Forest Camps for Unemployed Young Men in the United States by Henri Dubreuil 
           International Labor Review (Geneva) - February 1934. (29:199-205)              

1934 - Soldiers of the Shield by Gen. Johnson Hagood - American Forests - March 1934.

1934 - Civilian Army in the Woods by Captain X - Harper's - March 1934.  (168:487-97)  

1934 - The Greatest Night School in the United States by Robert Fechner, Director CCC 
            Better Business - March 1934.  

1934 - Three R's and the CCC by P.S. Gage - American Forests - March 1934. 

1934 - University of the Woods by John H. Lloyd - School Life - March 1934.  (19:113)   

1934 - Emergency Conservation Work During 1933 Monthly Labor Review - March 1934.  (38:519-22)  

1934 - Conserving Forests and Rebuilding Men, The CCC As Part of the New Deal by J.L. Fitzpatrick
           Scholastic - March 17, 1934.  (24:23-5)       ​

1934 - Fire and Water by R.W. Ayres - American Forests - April 1934.

1934 - Says CCC Free of "Militarism" by George H. Dern - Forestry News Digest - April 1934. 

1934 - English Youth on the Road by Jeannette Clark Dickie. - Forum - April 1934.  (91:246-9) 

1934 - Babes in the Woods by B. Smith - American - May 1934.  (117:27-9)   

1934 - CCC Educational Program by C.S. Marsh - School Executives - May 1934.  (53:266)   

1934 - Duty With the Civilian Conservation Corps by Capt. Tomas E May - Reserve Officer - May 1934

1934 - At the Observation Post Literary Digest - April 21, 1934.  (117:12)  

1934 - CCC Camps and Transient Centers Wilson Bulletin - May 1934.  (8:527)   

1934 - CCC Has Translated Hundreds of Tousands if Idle Boys Into Self-Reliant Youths by Year's Service In Forestry 
           and Soil Erosion Controll Work Literary Digest - April 28, 1934.     

1934 - Public Health with CCC Work Camps American Journal Of Public Health - May 1934.  (24:560-1)  

1934 - What The CCC Has Done for Me American Forests
           Jan-May 1934 (40:23-25; 66-67; 120-121; 163-164; 218)  
                       A Task, A Plan and Freedom by James Kidwell 
                       Wisdom from the Trees by Gerald Street  
                       A Home and Harvest Saved by K. Edd Teston
                       It has Given Me a Niche to Fill by Lee E. Crutchfield Jr.
                       I Can Meet My Fellows, Man to Man by Ray Johnston
                       Best of All, It Gave us a Job by James A. McMillen
                       It Taught Me One Way to be Happy by Charles Hiller
                       It Has Taken Me off the Road by Frank Ranney
                       I Have Lived With Nature - Man's First Friend and His Last by Farran Zerbe
                       I Have Learned to Know the Human Race by Harold H. Buckles

1934 - CCC Unit Thanked for It's Work Here - The Arizona Daily Star, Tuscon, AZ - May 17, 1934.
           (CCC Camp F-42-A,Tanque Verde)  
1934 - Harvey Bush Highway Open for Traffic - The Mesa Tribune, Mesa, AZ - May 18, 1934.   View 

1934 - Is it  Blind Alley? - World Tomorrow - May 24, 1934.  (17:29-30)    

1934 - CCC Unit Thanked for its Work Here - The Arizona Daily Star, Tucson, AZ - May 17, 1934.

1934 - About the New Deal by George E. Sokolsky - American Magazine - June 1934.   

1934 - Fevers of the Typhoid Group in Members of the CCC During 1933 by G.F. Lull
           American Journal of Public Health - June 1934.  (24:631-2)   

1934 - The Spirit of the CCC by Harold S. Fraine - American Forests - June 1934. 

1934 - Forests and Labor by N. Pack - Forestry News Digest - June 1934.  

1934 - Tells of CCC in Germany by C.A. Schenck - Forestry News Digest - June 1934.  

1934 - Accomplishments of th Civilian Conservation Corps in Blister-rust Control by N. Wyckoff 
           Northwest Science - June 1934.  (V8:5-8)   

1934 - Heroes of the CCC by Harold S. Fraine - American Forests - July 1934. 

1934 - Men of the Three C's (Sketches) by PWA Artists - Survey Graphic - July 1934.  (23:332-333)  

1934 - Is the CCC Educational Program a Success School Executives - July 1934.  (53:340)   

1934 - Army Recruited From Idle Men Wars Against Fire and Flood by Robert E. Martin
           Popular Science Monthly - July 1934.  (125:49-52)   

1934 - CCC and Waterfowl by Robert Fechner, Director, CCC - Nature - July 1934.  (24:21-2) 

1934 - Problems with the Woodland Army by Captain X - Military Engineer -July-August 1934.   

1934 - Employment Status of Former Members of th CCC Monthly Labor Review - August 1934.  (39:308-10)   

1934 - At A Civilian Conservation Corps Camp by Kenneth G. Smith - Recreation - August 1934  (28:248)  

1934 - Educational Program in theCivilian Conservation Corps Monthly Labor Review - August 1934.  (39:375-377)   

1934 - After the CCC - What? by Catherine Connell - Today - August 4, 1934.   

1934 - Are We Creating an American Sahara? by Frank Thone - Washington Star (DC) (Sunday Magazine, pg 6) - Aug 12, 34.

1934 - Critics Keep Their Hands off the CCC Literary Digest - August 18, 1934.  (118:8)  

1934 - Meeting an Emergency With Motion Pictures Nation's Schools - August 1934.  (14:56-58)  

1934 - In the Dust Storm Country They Work on Erosion by Clayton W. Watkins - Forestry News Digest - Sep 1934.

1934 - 686,709 Man-Days Fightinh Forest Fires Forestry News Digest - September 1934.  (pg 8)  

1934 - The Building of Men in th Civilian Conservation Corps by J.M. Geason 
           Northwest Science - September 1934.  (V8:16-19)  

1934 - Plant, Plant, Plant, the Boys are Planting Forestry News Digest - September 1934.  (pg 13)  

1934 - Great Aid to State by Ruby Laffoon - Forestry News Digest - September 1934.  (pg 16)  

1934 - CCC Value to Iowa by Claude L. Herring - Forestry News Digest - September 1934.  

1934 - Forestry and the CCC by Dr. William C. Bramble - The Minnesota Conservationist - September 1934. 

1934 - Civilian Conservaton Corps by H.L. Fair - School And Society - September 1934.  (40:386-8)   

1934 - Youth Rebuilds (Review) by John D. Guthrie - Journal Of Forestry - October 1934.  

1934 - CCC Camps and Penn State College School And Society -October 13, 1934.  (40:485-6)   

1934 - The Baptism of the Foesters by C.L. Pack - Review of Reviews - November 1934.  (90:52:55)   

1934 - The Health of John Peavey American Forests - November 1934.

1934 - Summary by State of CCC Work Shows Great Advance Made in Forest Program: Much Fire Fighting 
           Forestry News Digest - November 1934.  (pg8-12)    

1934 - The Youth Movement in America's Forests by D. McConkey - American Forests - November 1934. 

1934 - Religion and the CCC by J.J. McEntee - Catholic Action - November 21, 1934. 

1934 - CCC Educational Progams Discussed at Local Meetings The Arizona Daily Star, Tuscon, AZ - November 24, 1934.   

1934 - England to Train Jobless Youth School Life - November 1934.  (20:56)

1934 - A CCC Symposium: Foresters, The Army and the CCC by John D. Guthrie - Journal Of Forestry - Dec 1934.  

1934 - Manicuring the Wilderness Saturday Evening Post - December 1934.  (207:22)  

1934 - Roll On, CCC Our Army - December 1934.

1934 - Makes them Conservees for Life by George H. Hieronymus - Journal Of Forestry - December 1934.  

1934 - This Work Must Go On by Leon G. Johnson - Journal Of Forestry - December 1934.  

1934 - Readjusting the CCC as a Permanent Social Factor by Austin F. Hawes - Journal Of Forestry - December 1934. 

1934 - The Civilian Conservation Corps and the Natural Resources Board by Arthur C. Ringland 
           Journal Of Forestry - December  1934.

1934 - Our Fugitive Farm Lands: Lets Move Up to the Front Where CCC Workers in Mississippi are Using 
           Explosives to Check Soil Erosion by E.R. Manchester -Dupont - December 8, 1934.  (28:1-3)    

1934 - Possible Influence ​on the Public Schools of the CCC Educational Program - School Review - 1934.  

Civilian Conservation Corps 1935
Montana Conservation Corps 2008
Coconino Rural Environment Corps 1999
Southwest Conservation Corps 2006
Job Corps Conservation Center 2004