1933 - 200,00 Wandering Boys - Fortune - February 1933.
1933 - The Use of Unemployed in Reforestation by John D. Guthrie - TheTimberman - March 1933.
1933 - What is Reforestation by J.N. Guthrie - Christian Science Monitor - March 1933.
1933 - What is the CCC? by John D. Guthrie - Four L Lumber News, Portland, OR - March 1933.
1933 - CCC Organization by Robert Fechner, Director, CCC - American Forests - April 1933.
1933 - Forestry Unemployment - Congressional Digest - April 1933. (12:124-5)
1933 - Enlisting the Jobless to Smash the Depression - Literary Digest - April 1, 1933. (115:5)
1933 - Peacetime Army - New Republic - April 5, 1933. (74:202)
1933 - Protests Regarding Sending Eastern Men to Arizona Camps - The Arizona Republic - April 8, 1933. (Sec 1, Pg 6)
1933 - First Reforestation Recruits are Sent to Conditioning Camps - The Arizona Republic
Phoenix, AZ - April 8, 1933. (sec 1, pg 1)
1933 - U.S.Program to Put 10,000 in State - The Arizona Republic - April 9, 1933. (22 at Indian Gardens - Payson)
1933 - First Army of Idle Now in Camp - News Week - April 15, 1933.
1933 - Labor Army Takes to th Field - Literary Digest - April 15, 1933. (115:6)
1933 - Forest Army Plans - Business Week - April 18, 1933.
1933 - Doughboys of 1933 to the Woods - Literary Digest - April 29, 1933. (115:22-3)
1933 - Army Under the New Deal: Non-Military Mobilization of the CCC by Walker S. Buel
Literary Digest - April 29, 1933. (115:3-4)
1933 - That 25,000 Man Job by R.Y. Stuart - American Forests - May 1933.
1933 - Federal Act Providing for the Relief of Unemployment Though Reforestation
Monthly Labor Review - May 1933. (36:1039-40)
1933 - Building Men, Growing Trees by Arthur Dunham - Survey - May 1933. (69:186-7)
1933 - State Forest Quota Raised to 1825 Men - The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ - May 5, 1933. (sec 1, pg1)
1933 - Tonto Forestry Camps Approved - The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ - May 10, 1933. (sec1, pg 1)
1933 - Forestry Recruits to Leave: 26 Mesa Young Men Signed Up and Ready for Departure to Arizona
Reforestation Camps - The Mesa Tribune, Mesa, AZ - May 12, 1933.
1933 - Coconino Forestry Work Camp Approved by Army Inspector
The Coconino Sun, Flagstaff, AZ - May 12, 1933. View
1933 - Reforestation Plans Discussed - The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ - May 19, 1933. (sec 2, pg 6)
1933 - Forest Camps to be Opened - The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ - May 23, 1933.
(525 men to Treasure Park, Pinal Mt and Indian Gardens)
1933 - State Camps Get First Recruits - The Arizona Republic, Phoenix AZ - May 24, 1933.
1933 - Forest Workers Enthuiastic Over Begining Arizona Jobs - The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ - May 26, 1933.
(Quotes from enrollees at Treasure Park Camp - description of camp)
1933 - Camps for Jobless Men - Saturday Evening Post - May 27, 1933.
1933 - Roosevelt Forest Camp No. 1 by Erle Kauffman - American Forests - June 1933.
1933 - Tower Erected on Signal Peak - The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ- June 8, 1933. (sec II, pg 1)
1933 - Forests Need Improvements - The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ - June 12, 1933. (sec 1, pg 3)
1933 - Texas Group Arrives - The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ - June 13, 1933. (sec 2, pg 6) (Bar-X Camp)
1933 - Conservation Corps Members Arriving - The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ - Jun 15, 33. (sec 1, pg 2) (Bar-X Camp)
1933 - Headquarters for Conservation Corps are Set-Up Here - The Coconino Sun, Flagstaff, AZ - June 16, 1933. View
1933 - Wage Increase for CCC Workers - The Coconino Sun, Flagstaff, AZ - June 16, 1933. View
1933 - Lookout Tower Being Erected - The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ - June 19, 1933. (Heliograph Peak)
1933 - U.S. to Furnish Camps With Radios - The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ - June 21, 1933. (sec 1, pg 7)
1933 - Indian CCC Man at Leupp - The Coconino Sun, Flagstaff, AZ - June 23, 1933. View
1933 - Forestry Desertions, Discharges Decrease - The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ - June 24, 1933. (sec 1, pg 1)
1933 - Indian Camps to Open - The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ - June 24, 1933. (sec 1, pg 3) (600-800 men)
1933 - The "Tree Army" and "Regulars - The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ - June 25, 1933 (sec 1, editorial page)
1933 - Trucks Reach Globe for Use in Forests - The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ - June 27, 1933 (sec 2, pg 1)
1933 - New Forestry Camp Planned - The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ - June 29, 1933. (sec 1, pg 2) (Rucker Canyon)
1933 - Camp Visited by Army Men - The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ - June 30, 1933. (sec 2, pf 1)
1933 - Army Chief in Visit to Camps Here - The Coconino Sun, Flagstaff, AZ - June 30, 1933. View
1933 - 1330 Forest Camps up in Record Time - Forestry News Digest - July 1933.
1933 - Use of Unemployed in Reforestation in th U.S.A. (In French) by John D. Guthrie - Revue Forester Mag - July 1933.
1933 - Religion in the Conservation Corps - Missionary Review - July 1933. (56:35)
1933 - Reforestation at Last - Scientific American - July 1933. (149:9)
1933 - Reserve Officers Called to Service - The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ - July 1, 1933. (sec 1, pg 10)
1933 - Go to it Kid: Show'Em What you Can Do by B. Smith - American Magazine - July 1933. (116:58-9)
1933 - Vagrancy: A National Problem - Contemporary Review - July 1933.
1993 - Our Forest Army at War by H. Doty - Review of Reviews - July 1933. (88:30-4)
1933 - Arizona Woods Units Praised - The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ - July 3, 1933. (sec 1, pg 2)
1933 - Posts to Visit Forestry Camps - The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ - July 3, 1933. (se 2, pg 4)
(American Legion to promote program of Americanism at CCC camps)
1933 - Forest Camps Set Records - The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ - July 3, 1933. (sec 1, pg 2)
(Mobilization exceeds that of WWI. Army spends $85,000 per day - beef from 330 steers - 225,000 1# loaves of bread)
1933 - Leupp, Ft. Defiance Reservations Ready for CCC Program - The Coconino Sun, Flagstaff, AZ - Juy 7, 1933. View
1933 - Forest Worker Dies at Globe - The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ - Jul 11, 33. (sec 2, pg 1) (Pneumonia - Bar-X camp)
1933 - Civilian Work Group Will Hear Roosevelt - The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ - Jul 12, 1933. (sec 1, pg 7)
(F.D.R. will address CCC nation-wide via radio on NBC & CBS)
1933 - Forest Spur Camp Organized in Gila - The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ - July 13, 1933. (sec 1, pg 2)
(Spur camp at Boyce Thompson Arb., 20 men from Pinal Mt. - Vets from Ft Sam Houston sent to Tripp Cayon camp)
1933 - What is Doing in the Forest Camps? - The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ - July 14, 1933. (sec 2, editorial page)
(benefits to youth more valuable than trees planted)
1933 - Tripp Canyon Camp Opens - The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ - July 15, 1933. (sec 1, pg 3) (200 Vets from TX)
1933 - Roads Are Improved by Forest Recruits by L.C. Bolles - The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ - Jul 16, 33. (sec 1, pg 5)
1933 - Forest Workers Battle Flames - The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ - July 18, 1933. (sec 1, pg 8) (Globe, AZ)
1933 - The Emergency Conservation Program - Science - July 21, 1933. (72:52)
1933 - Army Chief to Visit Camps Here - The Coconino Sun, Flagstaff, AZ - June 30, 1933.
1933 - 310,000 Workers Now in Forestry Project in U.S. - Forestry News Digest - August 1933.
1933 - Big Forestry Opportunity by Earl W. Tinker - Forestry News Digest - August 1933.
1933 - CCC Camp 334 by G.W. Wharton Jr. - American Motorist - August 1933. (8:12)
1933 - Depression Army Moves to War by Pul H. Hyward - Nations Business - August 1933 (21:30)
1933 - Remembered Men by Freeman Bishop - American Forests - August 1933.
1933 - Permanent Bnefit from Conservation Camps by Grover Conzet - The Minnesota Conservationist - August 1933.
1933 - The Civilian Conservation Corps - School And Society - August 12, 1933. (38:972)
1933 - Conservation Camps and the War Department by L.B. Thorpe - Christian Century - Aug 30, 33. (60:1089)
1933 - 20,000 Men in Penn's Woods by Henry Clepper - American Forests - September 1933.
1933 - Emergency Conservtion Camps by W. Fank Persons - Social Service Review - Sep 1933. (7:485-487)
1933 - Forest Army at the Front by Charles W.B. Hurd - Literary Digest - September 9, 1933. (116:5-6)
1933 - Thy Woods and Templed Hills by Walter Davenport - Colliers - September 9, 1933. (92:10-12)
1933 - Military Interlude - Christian Century - September 13, 1933. (50:1144-5)
1933 - Different Reports on the CCC by C. Knudson - Christian Century - September 13, 1933 (50:1149)
1933 - Troopers of the Fog - Commonwealth - September 14, 1933. (18:462-5)
1933 - Civilian Foresters in Floodtime by Erle Kauffman - American Forests - October 1933.
1933 - Human Dividends of the CCC - Review of Reviews - October 1933. (88:40-1)
1933 - Conservation Corps Starts its Second Half Year - News Week - October 7, 1933.
1933 - CCC Makes Good by J.N. Darling - Christian Century - October 25, 1933. (50:1333)
1933 - ECW and CCC by C.M. Granger - Journal of Forestry - November 1933. (31:759-765)
1933 - Army and the CCC: Reply to J.N. Darling - Christian Century - November 8, 1933. (50:1441-2)
1933 - The Civilian Conservation Corps Carries On by Freeman Bishop - American Forests - November 1933.
1933 - CCC Forestry Work Not Detrimental to Wildlife by Freeman Bishop - American Forests - Nov 1933.
1933 - Suppressing the Red Menace by Leander Pitman - Overland Monthly - November 1933. (91:153)
1933 - When East Goes West by Nelson Brown - American Forests - November 1933.
1933 - Benefits of CCC Work - The Timberman - November 1933.
1933 - Papago Park Work Planned - The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ - November 1, 1933. (sec 2, pg 6)
(digging of 2 ponds at fish hatchery - building 3,000 seat amphitheate)
1933 - Camp Buildings Near Completion - The Arizona Republic, Phoenix, AZ - Nov 9, 1933. (sec 2, pg 1) (Safford, AZ)
1933 - Education Program for CCC Gets Under Way: Forestry First in Fechner Outline - Forestry News Digest - Dec 33.
1933 - Dawn of a New Day by Allen Cook - American Forests - December 1933.
1933 - Indians in th CCC - Missionary Review - December 1933. (56:611)
1933 - With the East Texas Tree Army by John D. Guthrie - American Forests - December 1933.
1933 - CCC Camp Lewis & Clark - The Timberman - December 19, 1933.
1934 - CCC Unit Thanked for It's Work Here - The Arizona Daily Star, Tuscon, AZ - May 17, 1934.
(CCC Camp F-42-A,Tanque Verde)
1934 - Harvey Bush Highway Open for Traffic - The Mesa Tribune, Mesa, AZ - May 18, 1934.